How can SMEs use the Power of Collaborative Innovation?

The pace of technological and societal changes has tremendously accelerated over the past 5 years. This acceleration often makes it difficult for SMEs to stay abreast of the change.

Collaborative innovation is a powerful approach to enable companies to capitalize on this change. The aim of this challenge corner is to discuss questions such as:

  • What are the success factors for collaborative projects?
  • What are the major hurdles and how can they be addressed?
  • How is the topic of Intellectual Property best addressed?
  • What are best approaches for start-ups vs. medium size companies vs. corporates?
  • What is the potential for interfaces between different initiatives / RIS in Switzerland?

Input and moderation:

Yana Yoncheva, Basel Area Business & Innovation
Sebastien Meunier, Basel Area Business & Innovation
Frank Kumli, Basel Area Business & Innovation

Language: English and French